Simply Simulate a Cyprus Company

Find out whether you benefit from Cyprus Limited by doing the maths yourself with our easy-to-use company simulator.

Cyprus Limited Simulator is a free web application. The result may be simplified and is not intended to replace professional advice.

Cyprus Limited Simulator App Illustration

Simulate Multiple Scenarios

Putting Aside the Doubts.

Do your own research. Figures say more than a thousand words. Calculate how much you benefit from a Cyprus limited in just a few clicks.

Combine Different Income Types

Calculate how different types of company income affect tax and profit.

Calculate Salaries

Manage employees to calculate gross/net salaries and social contributions.

Estimate Taxes and Levies

Estimate the taxes based on all the types of income and expenses indicated.

Keep Track of Your Expenses

Estimate expenses and check how they affect tax burden and profit.

Estimate Accounting and Audit

Calculate Accounting and Audit costs based on Cyprus Limited pricing.

Estimate Your Company's Profit

Calculate the amount of profit that can be distributed to shareholders.

Cyprus Company Examples & Presets

Take a Quick Look at Some Exemplary Results.

You can start with different company presets, view the results, and edit the variables by your needs.

Comprehensible Presentation of Results

All important key figures at a glance - with the option of calling up more in-depth details. Generated results can be saved and adjusted, compared, or called up later.

Result Page of the Cyprus Limited Simulator